As I was thinking today about how God provided Christ as central to our worship, I began to think about the following. God's provision for us is threefold. He sent Jesus to die on the cross as our Savior; He raised Him from the dead to make Him the Head and Lord of the Church, His Body; and He exalted Him to His right hand and gave Him all power in heaven and upon earth that He might share Himself and all He possesses with us as His joint heirs here on earth. Because of His provision we can accept Him as Savior, yield to Him as Lord, and appropriate Him as our resurrected Life. The Resurrected Lord, our very life, is central to our worship. And the way we get there is obedience.
We see a picture of this in Genesis 22 when Abraham, with his son, goes to the place of sacrifice commanded by God. In answer to his son's question about the sacrifice, Abraham says, "God will provide Himself the lamb". When indeed God provided the Lamb for the sacrifice of worship, Abraham named the place "The Lord will provide".
We were made to worship and God provided the ultimate and final sacrifice of our worship and empowered us by the resurrected Life to worship the Lord of glory. Now, that's what I call Easter and a reason to celebrate!
This is the last of my blog posts while I am on Sabbatical for the next three weeks. I will be doing more intensive study in the two areas of worship and choral conducting. I am so thankful to my church family for giving me this opportunity. I will also be experiencing worship with about 10 different churches in California with my base of study being California Baptist University.
Blessings on you all as you continue to worship Him both in your own private/personal prayer closet and as you gather with the Body of Christ to worship in the church. Until my next blog - mjm