In both Scripture and music, we see the use of imagery of the "rock" alluding to Jesus. Our Easter music that we have begun to prepare, reminds us . . . that "No Stone Could Hold Him" . . . the living, eternal Rock of our Salvation. In fact in the ESV Bible we find "foundation or cornerstone" used some 68 times. We see "rock, rocks, stone, or stones" used some 535 times in the Word. Many of these are alluding to Him!
In Luke 19 when we find the crowds giving praise and glory to the King of Kings, the Pharisees telling Jesus to rebuke or shut your disciples up and Jesus says, "I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out." He must be praised or the rocks would immediately cry out. This would literally be fulfilled at the cross when His disciples fell silent; the earth quaked and the rocks cried out.
In our worship, we should never allow our passion and our joy in praise of Him to be repressed. We live in a refined culture where some would say, "Rebuke those folks" because they are getting a little too caught up in their praise of Jesus. There is a phrase in our coming Easter musical that says, "Rocks, keep silent! Jesus comes to set me free. Rocks keep silent! I'm gonna shout in victory! Rocks keep silent! Jesus reigns in majesty. Ain't no rock gonna shout for me." (words by J. Paul Williams) I am also reminded of the words of an anthem our choir has sung, written by Gary McSpadden, Bill George, John Thompson and Randy Scruggs. "If we keep our voices silent, all creation will rise and shout. If we fail to praise you Father, then will the very rocks cry out . . . from a world of tribulation come and let your voice be raised . . . let the living God be praised!"
In discouragement and victory, let us praise . . . or the very rocks will cry out! In distress and worship, let us praise . . . or the very rocks will cry out! mjm