Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Remembering and Worship

As we approach the Memorial Day holiday I am reminded of the importance of remembering those who went before us and blazed a trail of righteousness and freedom; both those who gave of themselves in the military and those Christian Soldiers who have been faithful in showing us, who are still here, the way of righteousness.
The word "remember" comes up in Scripture many times.  Of course having to do with worship first and foremost is Ex 20:8 - "Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy."  It was important that a day be set aside purposely for Him.  And, there are many other "remembers" in the Word:
Remember My covenant - We are a covenant people and that should very much affect our worship.
Remember the Words of the Lord Jesus - "His words at home in our hearts" again affecting our worship.
Remember all His Works - Our worship should be a re-telling, rehearsal, a remembering all that He has                          done for us as we worship Him.
Remember His Commands - Worship can never  be separated from obedience.  
Remember your own evil ways, your iniquity - God wants us humble and always confessed up.  Confession is an important part of our worship, sometimes neglected in the evangelical church.
Remember Your mercy, O Lord - Thank the Lord we see that often and experience it as we confess.
Remember the poor - Our worship must move us beyond ourselves and beyond the walls of the church to minister to those in need, or it is likely not authentic worship.
There are many more "remembers", but I am going to stop with this last one.  In I Cor. 11:24 we see that remembering is so important that our Lord Jesus gives the church an ordinance, The Lord's Table, so that we will remember what He did and re-tell it in our worship.  He says, "Do this in remembrance of me."  We have much to remember and in remembering . . . much to be thankful for this Memorial Day.  mjm