In my readings this week I came across Acts 2: 46-47 again and was reminded of some things I want to share. The passage says, "And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved."
We see in this passage that a healthy Christian community attracts people to Christ. I see two passions in this passage. In the Jerusalem church there was:1. A zeal for worship.
2. A zeal for love of the Christian family.
We see that they had a zeal for gathering and remembering through both the meal of remembrance and praising God together for redemption in Christ. It indicates they did it with glad and joyful hearts.
We also see that they joined together in homes and fellowshipped around the table together.
In the Jewish tradition this would have been all the family and all the people. I think we find here that their zeal for worship and for brotherly love was contagious, intergenerational, and healthy in a way that attracted others to Christ.
May we show a zeal for intergenerational worship, with appreciation for all generations and the ways each prefers to worship, growing together in Him. And may we do it with brotherly love, as opposed to selfish attitudes of "only my way". For us to approach our worship and fellowship together as all age groups is to show the world Christ-kind of love, that is contagious to others. May we continue to learn and grow together in Him. That is a sign of a healthy church. mjm