Sunday, December 30, 2012

Light and Life

We end the year by celebrating the coming of the King.  And at the beginning of a new year, we remember that the kings were guided by a light to the King of Kings for worship well after His birth.  May we also realize that as we have celebrated His coming at Christmas that as the kings, we are now guided by His light to a place of worship coming to know that He not only is the light, but He is our life.  If we come to understand fully the meaning of these things, it will change the way we worship both privately and with the gathered body in this new year.

The light of Jesus in us not only is a testimony of the power of the gospel to change lives, but is also a light to guide those around us to Him.  May we choose in His power to be that light, because then, others will come also to worship Him.  Even the way we worship leads others to worship Him.  

This is the season that the light of Christ and life in the Spirit becomes so important in illuminating and guiding us in our walk and worship.  And, if our walk and our worship are not intertwined we have missed authentic worship.

As we begin a new, may we emphasize the reality of Christ in our lives and His centrality in our worship.  Let's pray, anticipate, and expect Him to move in our lives individually and as the church during these days to accomplish His kingdom purpose in us.  Then, it will truly be a Happy New Year!  mjm