This is my wife's Mom's first Mother's Day in heaven. Besides being a mom, grandmom and great grandmom, she was also a church musician who loved to give praise to the Lord both by playing her praise on the piano and also singing for His glory. Where once her praise, as ours, was not all it could be, she is now worshipping perfectly.
Can you imagine how John's worship was never the same again after he heard the great multitude in heaven singing God's praises with glorious enthusiasm? Can you imagine Isaiah returning to his local synagogue and worshipping the same as before after seeing the Lord seated on His heavenly throne? When we consider worship in heaven as described somewhat in Scripture, how can we settle for business as usual in the way we worship?
If we even begin to comprehend the transcendent glory, the risen Lord Jesus in all His glory, or imagine the heavenly choirs that surround the throne we can not possibly be satisfied with worship as usual. We should be seeking to make our worship fit for glory in every possible way we can. We need to learn to worship God with a passion and pureness of heart, with a mighty voice as if we were already where my wife's Mom is this Mother's Day. Blessings on you Moms as you lead, guide and encourage your children and grandchildren in worship - to the glory of God! mjm