In Psalm 148 verses 1-6 we find the Psalmist using powerful personification to describe heavenly praise. It is as if the Psalmist is describing the night of all nights with all creation erupting in an explosion of joy! In verse 1 the luminaries of heaven praise the Lord. In verse 2 the angels of heaven praise the Lord, with all the segments of nature praising the Lord in verses 3-4. What would motivate this kind of all-creation praise? On that night hundreds of years later . . . "the Word became flesh and dwelt among us."
Then in verses 7-14 all of nature breaks forth into praise to the Lord. Why are they praising Him? In verse 13 they are responding to the glory of His name. Second, in verse 13 they are realizing that His glory completely transcends His creation. And then in verse 14 they are praising in gratitude for the coming king He has given Israel - a prophecy and prelude to the coming of Christ.
Why do we who now know this Messiah sometimes neglect to praise? Why is it that sometimes our hearts are non-responsive? Do we sometimes worship the creation rather than the Creator? As we approach Christmas may we bow again before the throne of His cradle, and cherish this great Gift from the Father. O come, let us adore Him! mjm