Imagine being a composer who begins to write a symphony but something happens and you are unable to finish the great work. That would be sad, and yet we can be glad that the Symphony of Praise will never "be finished".
The great Symphony of Praise begins in the Old Testament as we see our Lord carefully create music and lay out carefully designed instructions for the use of musical instruments and voices in a great symphony of praise.
Then one day we were drawn into this great chorus of those who love God through His Son and became a part of the great unfinished symphony of praise. The Holy Spirit created the faith song within us and brought us to the cross to hear Jesus sing out, "It is finished"! Even though one day in heaven the symphony of praise will come to perfection it will still not be finished. There is no end to the unfinished Symphony of Praise.
For now we live in a world full of sin. But this world is the world where the Word became flesh to dwell among us. Jesus is the ultimate orchestrator of songs of joy. In His masterful orchestrations He creates rests, color, and dynamics for the singers and instrumentalists of the symphony. He, as Maestro, graciously surrounds us with other Christ-following musicians to take up the slack in times of weakness and discouragement - singing words of harmony with His words of promise, hope, and help.
Take your place in the God choir, grab your instrument - be God's instrument in the performance of the Unfinished Symphony of Praise that will never end! Hallelujah! mjm