I got to thinking, "What does that phrase mean to worship for the here and now?" I read about someone who had coined the phrase "throne zone" in trying to describe the atmosphere of worship around the throne. I wonder what would happen if somehow we could experience the "throne zone" on earth, as the reality of heaven is in our churches. I believe enough in what I read in scripture that we should gather for worship expecting the manifest presence of God in our services and that we should pray and expect revival in our cities. If we were experiencing the manifest presence of the Lord in our worship the lost would be coming to Christ on a massive scale of which we haven't seen. Christ said, "If I be lifted up, I will draw all men near. . . " I think we have come to concentrate on the "drawing" instead of the "lifting".
Someone said, "If good sermons and good songs were going to save the world, it would already be saved." There is a divine ingredient missing: simply put, it is the manifest presence of God. The only way we will see this is through prayer and repentance on the part of God's people. "If my people will humble themselves, and pray . . . seek my face . . . and repent." (II Chron. 7:14) It is about seeking Him with all that we are.
Today we must abandon entertainment-based worship that tickles our ears...that just makes us feel good. We must seek His face and His glory so that God's anointing will cause us to see His glory and all of us will never be the same. We need to pray the prayer of Moses, "Show me your glory." If we want to see His glory in worship we must realize that only broken vessels can hold the heavenly glory. Someone said that He would only come through the cracks of our brokenness.
May we realize our prayer for worship as a church is prayer for heaven sent revival. May we have a hunger for Him; a hunger for His presence. We must empty our jars of "self" before He can fill them up with Himself. Some of you may be saying, "that's radical". But according to scripture it could be the norm. May we increase our hunger for Him in our worship. mjm