Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Be Still and Know in a Hectic World

I was thinking not long ago that sometimes I have my quiet time hearing from God's Word and praying early morning and once it is "done" I don't think much about it the rest of the day.  If we are not careful our "spiritual life" gets disconnected from the rest of our day or life.  

If a husband and wife only talk once a day, their relationship is not going to grow very deep.  We need to have heart and soul enriching experiences scattered throughout our day to deepen our relationship with the Lord.  Just like anything else it won't happen unless we plan it.  These "spiritual" experiences can be anything we do to encounter God once again in a personal way.  It can be as simple as shutting our office door and praying briefly.  It can be a walk around the block for a few minutes of solitude.  We could even set an alarm on our watch or phone to remind us to pray throughout the day at particular times.  

Sometimes it is even during mundane activities that we are able to have a soulish experience with the Lord.  Going over memorized verses as we do mundane things like putting lunches together or  shaving.  With technology today we can play audio verses or portions of the Bible over the sound system as we drive.  I happen to be the kind of personality that can go in Starbucks and have a cup of coffee and read from scripture, shutting out any noise around me.  

The Bible tells us to be still and know God (Psalm 46:10).  This is important for our personal worship preparation.  Given our frantic schedules today, we must make time for Him if we hope to have Paul's passion, "that I may know Him."  I saw a quote the other day from a lady, Kathleen Norris, "It is a paradox of human life that in worship, as in human love, it is in the routine and everyday that we find the possibilities for the greatest transformation."  Some of my most creative ideas and "leadings or nudgings" from the Lord have come in the shower or in the back yard watering my container garden.  We need to plan and allow time to replenish  spiritually in the midst of the mundane activities in our lives.    It will make us better worshippers. mjm