Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Knowing in our Worship

Our Pastor has been preaching for some time through I John.  The word "know" is a key word in the little book.  Our "knowing" truth creates an environment for worship.  One has said that worship is simply revelation and response.  God reveals, we respond.  Worship is a response to truth, not what we think is truth.  
  • "We know that we have come to know" God (2:3)
  • "We know we are in Him" (2:5)
  • "We know that when He appears, we shall be like Him" (3:2)
  • "We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love our brothers" (3:14)
  • "We know that we belong to the truth" (3:19)
  • "We know that [God] lives in us" (3:24)
  • "We know that we live in" God (4:13)
  • "I write these things to you . . . so that you may know that you have eternal life" (5:13)
  • "We know that [God] hears us" (5:15)
  • "We know that we are children of God" (5:19)
When we acknowledge the truth of God's Word and diligently seek it, our choosing to know the truth puts us in position to respond to His truth, which therefore puts us into a lifestyle of worship. In a real sense God's Word will either change our lives or will leave us without excuse.  That's heavy! Our worship is our response.  Are you seeking truth and responding to His truth? The "knowing" has much to do with our true worship.  mjm