Sunday, November 9, 2014

Why We Worship

Why do we worship?  Because of who God is and what He has done.  I was reading in Isaiah 38 in daily readings today and I was reminded of some great truths about why we worship.  God has been so much to us and done so many things for us how can we not worship?  

The Hebrew names for God give us insight into His doing great things for us:
Jehovah Jireh - "God who provides"
Jehovah - Rophe - The Lord our Healer
Jehovah - Tsidkenu - The Lord our Righteousness
Jehovah - Rohi - The Lord my Shepherd
Jehovah - M' Kaddesh - Lord our Sanctifier
Jehovah - Shammah - The Lord is There
Jehovah - Shalom - The Lord our Peace
Jehovah - Nissi - The Lord our Banner

 . . . and some of the names for God give us insight also as to who God is:
Jehovah - Yaweh - The Self existent,  Self sufficient, immutable One.

The names of God describe specific revelations of God's acts and God's nature. And worship is ... "the response of all we are to the revelation of who God is."  So central to the act of worship is the revelation of God.  Without the revelation of God our worship would be lacking, and even self-oriented.  No revelation - no response.

In the two chapters prior to Isaiah 38 the Assyrians have attacked and the Hebrews are miraculously delivered by God.  God revealed Himself by deliverance and they are worshipping Him.  After this deliverance, Hezekiah becomes ill and is told that his illness will end his life.  Was he angry with God for allowing his illness?  This would be the attitude of one who thinks God owes him a comfortable life.  Unfortunately that attitude has become the norm in recent years of "American Christianity".  We act as if God owes it to us to have wealth, health and no trouble.  But, we don't deserve it.  Psalm 34:19 says "The righteous man may have many troubles."  Hezekiah's response and choices are recorded in verses 12-20 of Isaiah 38.  

Do our trials bring us to the place where we are broken before Him?  Do they lead us to experience God?  Do we look for God in the midst of them?  Do we waste our sorrows and pain?  Hezekiah shows us the way to victory.  Verses 18-20 are filled with worship.  Hezekiah has experienced God and believes THAT to be better than anything God can give him.  He has seen that God is good.  Hezekiah has come to the place of seeing God in a way that He had never seen Him before.  

Just a side note - once again we see "singing and praise" tied to the power and victory of God. May we worship faithfully as He is revealed!  mjm