In the years of doing this blog, we have given several differently worded definitions of worship. "Worship is the work of God's people acknowledging the greatness of our covenant Lord and seeking to make Him the Lord of every part of our lives for His glory!" Just another way of saying it.
Worship, whatever informed worded definition from principles of God's Word, is very important to God. In Ephesians 1:1-14, Paul reveals a breathtaking vision of God's sovereign purpose. He says before time: God chose us in Christ even before the creation of the world (v.4). And then, God "predestined us to be adopted as His sons"(v.5), redeemed us through the blood of Christ (v.7), and revealed to us the mysteries of His will which shall come to fruition at the end of history (vv.9-10). The grand finale of all, the goal to which all of history is forward moving, is praise- the "praise of His glory"(v. 14).
From the Westminster's Confession - "Man's chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever" -stands as a scriptural statement (I Cor.10:31). To glorify God is to praise Him! The book of Revelation shows us a heaven and an earth filled with praise as the fulfillment of God's redemption (Rev. 5:13; 7:12). We have been chosen as God's people so that we can "declare the praise of Him who called us out of darkness into His wonderful light" (I Peter 2:9). God even called us Gentiles into His body along with believing Jews so that the Gentiles might join in the songs of praise (Rom. 15:8-11).
Throughout the whole of Biblical story and history - from the ancient past until the new heavens and the new earth - God seeks worshippers (John 4:23) Redemption is the means; worship is the goal. In a real sense worship is the whole point of everything. Worship is not a part of the Christian life among others, it is the entire Christian life, seen as a priestly offering to the Lord.
When we gather as the body of believers for worship, we should never take worship for granted. It is not a preliminary to something else; it is the whole point of our very existence as the body of Christ. May we grow in our understanding of the importance of our personal/private worship as well as our gathered/corporate worship giving our Lord the place in our lives He deserves.
HE IS . . . worthy of our worship! mjm