Have we become too enamored with outward appeal, distracting us from true worship? Are we looking at this one or that one . . . a Christian athlete saying look at his skill and he is a Christian? Or do we look at some statesman or politician who believes the Bible - therefore the Bible must be true? Do we quote the Daniel Websters of the world or some scientist who believes the truths of Christianity and say, "Oh, Christianity must be true"? If this is our emphasis, we are on the wrong track. This is not New Testament Christianity. In fact is it not a subtle appeal to the flesh? This is not the way of Christ. He took Christian apologetics out of the domain of logic and put it into the domain of life. He basically said the proof of my Deity is not found in the general, or prime minister. It lies in the invisible, but powerful energy that visits the human soul when the gospel breaks through by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of the living God brings an evidence needing no logic.
All of the institutionalized, top-heavy Christianity we have come to know was never known in the book of Acts or in the early days of the church. Utter simplicity was at the root and heart of everything. Faith was the instrument; the Holy Spirit was the power that led these early believers to a simple love and purity of life at the heart of their worship. They had worship, love, and faith and their moral lives were pure and all of their life was very simple. As time passed we see a movement outward from the center toward the surface. Unfortunately it is easier for us to live on the surface than in the center. The outward surface approach leads to form, ceremony, and tradition. God is always urging us back to the center. Man likes ceremony without love or meaning and God always insists on love and meaning, regardless of ceremony. Men love form without worship and God seeks worship whether He has form or not. When the real presence of Christ is felt and experienced all of the "extras" become unnecessary. We don't need all the "trappings" that sometimes go with worship. We are sent into the world to bless the world, but never are we told to compromise with it. We must simply desire to go to the very center - our Lord Jesus - and worship Him; desire Him; bless Him; allowing Him to mold us to be more like Him. Our Christianity and our worship should be centered and simple. It's not about me and all I want to make it; it is about Him! mjm