Dave Williamson talks about three kinds of choirs. I want to take the basics of what he has said and enlarge upon it from my own experience in church choirs for the past 53 years, starting as the accompanist of the church choir in my home church.
There are basically three kinds of church choirs seen in my lifetime. The Volunteer Choir, the Commitment Choir and the Covenant/Worship Choir. All three of these approaches have certain characteristics and purposes.
First of all there is motivation and agreement: In the Volunteer Choir it is between you and yourself. In the Commitment Choir the motivation and agreement is between you and others, but in the Covenant/Worship Choir your motivation and agreement is between you and God. The reasons for becoming a part of the choir for the volunteer is to sing and develop friendships. For the Commitment Choir it is those same things plus being a part of a worthy organization. And then there are all of those things plus the most important: a calling to lead worship. That is the Covenant/Worship Choir.
Then there are the reasons for staying with it after joining. The volunteers stay because the director meets their expectations and not too many expectations are placed on the volunteers. For the Commitment Choir the organization itself meets expectations and acceptable expectations are placed on the choir member. For the Covenant/Worship Choir the choir member is faithful no matter what expectations come from the director and/or others because his faithfulness is determined by his covenant with God Himself. Expectations vary among the three. The Volunteer Choir member shows up occasionally - as is convenient. The Commitment Choir member almost always shows up. The Covenant/Worship Choir member is always looking as to how he can contribute in meaningful ways with a full commitment of preparation to lead others to the throne in worship.
The most meaningful outcome of each of these three: The Volunteer Choir has a good experience singing and has the congregation's applause. For the Commitment Choir it's about good use of time with good singing and building relationships. However, for the Covenant/Worship Choir the best outcome is growing in personal worship and enhancing and enabling the congregation's growth in worship.
Finally, the primary focus for the three - The Volunteer Choir's focus is to sing and have fun. The Commitment Choir has a sense of purpose, singing for Jesus and seeking to develop relationships. But the Covenant/Worship Choir has all of those plus: worship and leading worship in spirit and in truth so that the congregation might experience His presence and power! I am so thankful that I have the privilege of leading a Covenant/Worship Choir. Does every choir member see it that way? No, but the majority do. Praise be to Him! mjm