Who would expect the Savior of the world, the arrival of the God-man to arrive in such conditions? A dirty stable, the small town of Bethlehem, and a feeding trough of wood and straw unfortunately give rise to the thought that many regard the lowly birth of the Son of God as little more than a fairy tale. But just think of it, if we were there - for a moment we would stand in unbelief and awe as we gazed upon the eternal Son of God who would become a man. He would be the gift given in a manger, and hung on a cross for our sin, and resurrected to give us resurrection life. This birth would change everything forever, yet it happens quietly while the rest of the world sleeps.
Without Jesus in the manger, our lives and destiny would be non-existent. Christianity as we know it would not exist. The hope of eternal life in Christ would not exist. Fran and I would not have the assurance that during the year 2020, her father, my mother, her uncle, and my sister have joined her mother, and my other sister in the presence of this Jesus, Savior of the world. I love the way Chuck Swindoll puts it, "Apart from the real birth of the eternal Son of God, Christianity is just an empty feeding trough of wood and straw."
This is the thing that makes a difference in our living and dying. By simply receiving a gift that you maybe didn't even realize you needed, your whole life and destiny can be transformed. I encourage you today, this Christmas Day, in this moment, to personally commit your life to Christ, to accept the gift of His salvation. Your age makes no difference, your possible shameful past makes no difference. Jesus doesn't care about the past, He just wants you to put your faith in the future with Him. This "baby in a manger" is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Without the Way there is no going. Without the Truth there is no knowing. Without the Life there is no real living. Come - join the family of God. God has given the simple - yet profound gift that you need. Accept our love for you and the gift from Him, today!