Sunday, January 16, 2011

Reflecting God's Glory

It is never a "royal waste of time" to reflect God's glory.  Our worship should reflect God's glory in a way that the light of Jesus shines, His glory radiates from our lives, and the Lord uses us to influence those in our sphere of influence toward Christ.  As many of you know, these three points are from today's message by Mike Satterfield.  Worship is the goal of evangelism, and evangelism is the fruit of worship.  In Exodus... "Let my people go, so they may worship Me."  In Isaiah 6, after the prophet sees the Lord high and lifted up, he says, "Go and tell the people." In Matthew, when they saw Jesus and worshipped Him, He said, "Go and make disciples."  When 120 disciples gathered in Acts 2, they prayed, experienced the presence of God and worshipped Him "declaring the wonders of God".  Oh yeah, and three thousand people were saved.
In 2 Corinthians 4, we find Paul saying that the good news of Jesus Christ leads us to an encounter with God's presence and glory.  One writer, Gerrit Gustafson, has said,  "You could say that the Gospel of the glory of Christ is the facts of the Gospel plus the phenomenon of His presence."  There is nothing like the combination of the facts of the Gospel and the power of God's presence.
May we be so "prayed up" when we enter corporate worship that we all reflect God's glory and when we leave worship may we continue to reflect His glory wherever we go.  mjm