Soli Deo Gloria was one of the five solas that summarized the Reformers beliefs during the Protestant Reformation. It is the Latin term for Glory to God alone or To God alone be glory. The doctrine states basically that everything is done for God's glory to the exclusion of man's self-glorification and pride. Christians are to be motivated and inspired by God's glory - not their own.
Both Bach and Handel put at the end of many of their musical manuscripts "SDG" or "Soli Deo Gloria". The mission of man is the glory of God! Last blog we said that the primary worship leader is the choir and their mission is the glory of God. The signature of every song and of our worship should always be Soli Deo Gloria!
God's first concern after freeing the Israelites from Egypt was to teach them about worship and how approaching Him as worshippers was to be in submission and proper understanding, conscious of His glory. At the conclusion of the building of the tabernacle, God sanctified the tabernacle by His glory (Exodus 29:43-44). Then, God blessed the beginning of the Israelites' worship by displaying His glory and filling the temple (Exodus 40:34-38). God displayed His glory in these instances, revealing the point and purpose of all true worship - His glory. When God's people gather, God's glory should be uppermost on the minds of God's worship leaders and God's people. The whole reason for our gathering together week after week is to glorify God. Signed, Soli Deo Gloria! mjm