Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"Enter to Worship, Exit to Serve"

I grew up seeing it and have seen that sign in churches for years.  Many times it was posted at the back of the church.  (Enter to Worship, Exit to Serve)  To some extent there is truth, but it is not really the whole truth. 
Our corporate worship may end when we exit, but not our worship.  In fact the word "serve"  many times in scripture could actually be translated, "worship".  For instance, Rom. 12:1.  In fact, service is part of worship.  Have we really worshipped if we don't have "rivers of living water" flowing from our lives?  Have we really worshipped if the Great Commandment has not evolved into Great Commision obedience? 
When we look at that great passage, Isaiah 6:1-11a, we see the gathered congregation being scattered out to bring the blessings and joy of the "holy place" out into the marketplace.  When we as God's people encounter Him, our minds have been brought to God's light, our hearts have been cleansed and freed, our wills have been aligned with His will, our passion replenished, our vision refocused, our commitment renewed, our mission redefined, our courage restored and our walk of faith deepened.
Our worship doesn't stop at the door.  We live everyday worshipping Him!   mjm