Sunday, May 29, 2011

Grace Worship

In our worship today we related, reveled, relished, reflected, responded, and rehearsed the wonderful grace of our Lord in the worship music and then heard from our Pastor about the glorious gains of the great gospel.  On this Memorial Day Weekend I have meditated on the realization that God's grace to us as individuals is overwhelming and God's grace to us as a nation has also been overwhelming.
As believers, it is easy for us to begin to take God's grace for granted.  Every time we come before the Lord in our private devotion or worship time we need to relate and respond to God's saving grace.  And, every time we gather as the body for worship we rehearse the wondrous saving grace of God.  And, quite frankly, the saving grace of our Lord is the only hope of our nation.  If we are to continue to know the freedom that is given in Christ, and won sacrificially by so many of our forefathers, we must turn back to God as a nation.  Too many of our worship houses are empty and there are two many walking around as empty shells because of the void in their lives, in need of the grace of a Savior.
But grace doesn't stop there, as were reminded in our Pastor's message today. There is not only saving grace, but sustaining grace. We are promised there will be persecution and tribulation in our lives.  But, Jesus says, "In the world you will have tribulation.  But take heart; I have overcome the world." "My grace IS sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness."  I love the tiny word "is" because it is one of the most powerful words in Scripture in this context.  Doesn't say could be, should be, or even will be, "IS" . . .  HALLELUJAH!  His grace IS sufficient.
On this Memorial Day Weekend, . . . we remember.  We remember those who gave there lives so we could know freedom.  We remember He Who gave His life for our salvation and ultimate freedom.
Let us not squander their sacrifices for our freedom as a nation.  Let us not squander His sacrifice for our salvation as believers.  The price was paid . . . and that informs Grace Worship.   mjm