Sunday, June 12, 2011

Victory in Worship

The only victory we have in worship is our victory in Christ.  Victory is the faith life.  We said last time that worship is the fruit of our lives.  That fruit is shown in our victory in Christ.  It is not about us; it is about Him.  Worship is warfare according to Scripture and the only victory we have is in Christ.  It is simply believing that Jesus has done and is doing it all.  It's not about what I can do, but what He can do.  It is the consistent every day and every moment trusting our Lord's sufficiency.  Satan will tempt and discourage us when we fail.  But, we need to always be ready to say, "it is written" - If we confess our sins He is faithful and righteous to forgive  us our sins." (I John 1:9  Our Lord wants us to believe  Him for instantaneous cleansing and restoration.  
Satan will seek to convince us of defeat rather than victory.  He will try to convince us that we are unworthy, when in Christ we are worthy and victorious.  A victorious attitude is paramount in our living the fruit of our worship.  We don't depend on certain experiences, but on Him.  He doesn't want us to worship the fruit of the Spirit, but worship Him.  We see that victory is all of grace.  No work or works of our own are needed to accomplish it.  We need to rejoice in the fact that He will do it all.  Our only doing is to trust Him wholly. We can not worship effectively in defeat.  We must live convinced that He is our victory.   He is able and our victory is in Him. Hallelujah!!!  mjm