Sunday, June 26, 2011

Worship Requirement

What does the Lord require?  "With what shall I come before the Lord . . . what sacrifices?  The Lord requires that we do justice, love mercy and kindness, and walk humbly before our God."   (My paraphrase of Micah 6:6-8.)  The beginning of our worship is the full realization of the difference between creature and Creator, the finite and the Infinite, the sinful and the Holy.  Only redemption can lead us to begin to understand the beginning of worship.  Worship should become the humble walk as we acknowledge these truths.  
We must not be like the child who says, "thank you" for something he or she is not willing to share with others because of selfishness.  We can not experience passionate worship apart from doing justice, loving mercy and kindness, and walking humbly before our God.  This is the real stuff of worship.  If our worship does not lead to this, again, it is just a lot of noise and worked up emotion with no outlet or result.  Where do your worship experiences, both private and public, lead you???  mjm