One of the great theologians on worship A.W. Tozier once said, "Worship is no longer worship when it reflects the culture around us more than the Christ within us." We live in a day when this has become and even greater danger for the worshipping community. It is paramount that the worship, the song, the composer, the worship leader, the worship leading choir, the worshipper has a revelation of Jesus at the very center of their existence in order for worship to be transformed beyond the culture around us.
It begs the same question of who are we worshipping or who are we serving? Is the intent of our hearts self-serving or self-focused? If transformed by Christ our worship will not be to please ourselves, but to serve our Lord and others.
Saint Irenaeus once said, "The Glory of God is a human being fully alive". Our expressions of worship will declare the glory of our God when our focus is where it should be. Lord, let it be so. mjm