There is much for us to learn from Old Testament tent-shrine and temple sanctuary worship which was central to Hebrew worship of Yahweh.
The basic purpose of the tent-shrine and the later temple of Jerusalem was to enable God to live among His people. The focus was mainly on God's meeting with His people and being totally involved in their daily lives. Today, as New Testament Believers, it is important for us to remember that the redeemed people of God make up the church of Jesus Christ, the holy temple of the Lord (Eph. 2:21). The building is the meeting place, the church is the redeemed where God is present and as active in our lives as we allow Him.
Both tabernacle and temple worship emphasized the importance of preparation by the worshipper or congregation before meeting with a Holy God. How is our preparation today? Do we study what God's Word has to say about worship? Do we prepare our hearts and the hearts of our families for worship? Do we pray in preparation for worship?
All of the design and construction of the Old Testament sanctuaries - the dress, the priesthood and the worship all highlighted the person and character of God - particularly His sovereignty, majesty, glory, and holiness. The Old Testament worshippers were overpowered by a sense of awe and reverence. Today we need to return to creating a sense of the holy.
The very floor plan, arrangement of furnishings and order of worship in the Old Testament sanctuaries led the worshipper through a sequence of experiences that took the worshipper from the ordinary daily living into the holy, and then the most holy - the very presence of God. Do we today come in to worship expecting to be in God's presence? We need to come with anticipation and expectation of being in His holy presence and through a Christ-centered focus in worship, rehearse the life and work of Christ every week. mjm