All through Scripture we find references to "mighty God". Also, "God's mighty power", "mighty to save", "mighty hand of God", "mighty God of Jacob", "mighty defender", "mighty One", "God's mighty works", "mighty power". On and on we see a big, mighty God described in the Word and you remember what happens when Isaiah gets a vision of Him in chapter 6 of that book. So what keeps us from seeing just how big and mighty our God is?
I think there are several things that block our vision of Who God truly is. We, not He, sometimes make Him smaller than He is in our own hearts and minds.
One is a lack of spending time with Him in personal private worship and devotion, getting a glimpse of who He is on a regular basis. We so neglect spending time with Him, yet it is indicated in His Word that he longs for us to do this.
Two is we are easily distracted by this world and all it has to offer, and therefore fail to truly get a vision of the Mighty God who is at work in our lives and our world - carrying out His kingdom and mission.
Three, sometimes in our attainment of knowledge and technology we have become too intellectual or have gone beyond simple faith in the Creator and Sustainer of life. I just finished reading the biography of Steve Jobs. I was amazed at his insight, intellect, and intuition, and yet, evidently, he was never able to put his simple faith in a loving, caring God and trust Christ as his Savior. What a tragedy to be as brilliant as he was and yet seemingly miss the "light of the world".
If we are not careful all of us, even as believers, tend to ignore what God puts right in front of us and forget that He is with us moment by moment, working out His plan and purpose for both us and His kingdom. I don't know about you, but I don't want to miss what our Mighty God has for us. Let's continue to seek Him with all our heart, soul, and mind - worshipping our Creator and Sustainer, Who is truly worthy of our worship! mjm