Just over a year ago we started writing this blog on worship. The very first blog was "Igniting a Passion for the Presence of God". We talked about one of George Barna's reports that many who attended church here in America said they never experienced the presence of God in worship. Heartbreaking, for sure. We also talked about Psalm 40:3-4 and how when people see us singing His (new) song in the midst of all the messiness of life, they will be drawn to Him and put their trust in Him.
During this last year I have seen our own local church grow in their passion for His presence, both in their private and public worship. And it is not because of a blog; it is because at least over 200 people are praying every week for the gathering of God's people on Sunday to worship Him, and praying that the members of our church will grow daily in their own personal daily worship and devotions. There have been more people talk to me about "worship" as opposed to the "music" of the service this last year than ever before. I have had people tell me how much they have grown in their understanding of and participation in worship this past year than ever before. Our Worship Leading Choir continues to emphasize the importance of all of us praying for worship. And more than 120 people have committed as Worshipping Prayer Warriors in our church to pray for one another and specifically for our worship. God has spoken through His Word through our Pastor and Assistant Pastor this past year in power as God's people have prayed. Our congregation has shown an intensity and focus in the midst of worship of Him. There have been high and holy moments of spontaneous response to the overwhelming presence of the Lord. There has been the glorious singing of the people of God!
None of this is something we control. It is of Him, by Him, and for Him. It is for His glory and the building up of the Body. Praise the Lord we know by His Word that if we are faithful to worship authentically and passionately, then we will become much more effective as salt and light in a dark and needy world. May they continue seeing us worshiping Him and "singing the new song"! mjm