I'm afraid over the past few years, people have gotten the two confused. Some people think music style determines worship style, but that is really not the case. They are two different things altogether.
Because of my own personal experiences of the last two weeks, this has been brought up to me often. Last week I was in an associational revival and talked with folks from several different churches. Monday and Tuesday of this week I was in an executive committee meeting in Tulsa that put me in direct contact with several State Music Directors, Baptist College Music Professors, Seminary Professors, and local Ministers of Music or Worship. Therefore, these last two weeks I heard a lot of discussion about churches who had gone to separate "kinds" of worship services, i.e., Contemporary, Traditional, or Blended.
Many churches who previously went to separated services are now asking how to get back to one. Why? Mostly because of the way it has divided the body and the fellowship of churches involved. I heard one after another talk about how it had become more divisive after going to multiple kinds of services than it was before. And, some who were trying to go back to one were also seeing selfishness rather than servanthood exhibited. When did "I want what I want" become the mark of a follower of Christ? That exact question was asked of me.
First of all, it is never to be about style. It is to be about Him. Second, we in the body need to Biblically yield one to another, putting others before ourselves. Third, every church is different. For instance our church is a multi-generational church. We have managed, with God's help, to keep the Body together as one and do worship style and music style that touches all generations. We must minister and worship with "all" the body of Christ. It is family worship. And, that is Biblical. You can't find Scripture that supports the idea of splitting up the family of God in worship into different age groups or style preferences. We need to pray that satan will not be given a victory in something that should be all about our Lord! May we put Him first and have His attitude, found in Philippians 2, where Christ humbles Himself, taking on the very nature of a servant. May we worship "together"! mjm