"Worship is the single most important act in which Christians engage. 'Let us worship God' is the most important sentence spoken week after week, year after year, in congregations all over the world. It calls us to attention before God Who has something life-changing, soul saving, and world-renewing to say. It gathers us to an appropriate and adequate response to God who wills to 'make all things new', an 'all things' that includes us. But as we have entered the third millennium . . . when the call goes out, 'Let us worship God', instead of worshipping, men and women begin to argue, explain, promote, discuss, and denounce . . The work of Christian worship is in chaos." (The words of Eugene Peterson, author of The Message, and Emeritus Professor of Theology, Regent College, Vancouver.)
Those who advocate that children and/or youth should worship with their own age group will only try to claim that his approach does not hinder or undermine the reality of the "family" of God or the church family. This begs the question, however, "If we can't worship together, then what can we do together?" Authentic worship is a profoundly unselfish activity. John Drane has described it as "all that we are, responding to all that God is". If that is the case, there is really no room for a focus on self-gratification. In the words of Christian contemporary composer, Matt Redmon, we need to "get back to the heart of worship" - which is - God, not me.
The church as the body of Christ cannot function properly with its parts separated. The family of God is an interdependent community where mutual empowerment, humility, love and sacrifice need to be experienced. As said before, we need to put more confidence in the reconciling power of the gospel. Promoting division is in no way biblical. We need to promote and be open to intergenerational experience in the church, especially in the ministry of worship, if every generation is to develop as God intended.
Ephesians 4:11-16 speaks to the body of Christ growing in love, and that the only way we will grow up into Christ is if we speak the truth in love. mjm