Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Tension of Intergenerational Worship

The next few blogs I want to discuss intergenerational or multi-generational worship. Unfortunately in the last few years there has been a lot of disunity among local church fellowships that many times split along generational lines.  Many churches are finding it difficult to keep everybody happy. Many times this tension has often surrounded the issue of "worship style" which unfortunately is more about "musical style" than worship.  Many churches over the last few years have tried adopting two or three different services trying to cater to the various preferences in their congregations each Sunday.  Advocates of this approach point out that in some cases churches that have adopted this pattern of niche services have grown, and it is justified by that fact.  However, splits and tension have occurred in many churches and many have been calling our Seminaries in the last few years asking how to re-unite their churches and get back to one worship service.   
It is my belief and the belief of many others that this niche approach has created new problems and is maybe not the best way forward for the life and mission of the church, according to scripture.  In many cases it has created a further fragmentation and tension among different groups in the church.  To find Biblical and workable solutions, we can put our faith and confidence in the transforming, reconciling power of the gospel for all the people of God.  In its very nature, the body of Christ is intergenerational.  
Also, we are taught throughout God's Word that we are to yield one to another, and be used of the Lord to edify and grow one another in the grace of the Lord.  Biblically, our children and youth need to worship alongside adults and even senior adults.  Young adults need to worship alongside our seniors and yes, even seniors can grow from and with our young adults, youth, and children.  We are all one body.  This tendency of fragmentation and generational segregation is not Biblical.  The phrase "all generations" is used some 91 times in scripture.  Nowhere in the Bible are we encouraged to split off into different generations.  Not only is this not Biblical, but as I stated in the last blog, it has proven out in studies that have been done, that if the faith of our children and our youth is to stick and hold they must have worship and fellowship time with adults and older adults.  More next time.  mjm