Part of the problem some have as they look at intergenerational worship is that they confuse evangelism/missions with worship. When we are doing evangelism there is a definite cross-generational and/or cross cultural approach, which is important in accomplishing that goal. However, that goal should not be confused with worship. Unfortunately, for years people have confused the purpose of worship and evangelism. Some have felt that our worship services are for the purpose of evangelism rather than worship. The church should be more careful in identifying when we are doing evangelism such as an evangelistic service or crusade and when we are doing worship. Does evangelism take place in worship? Of course, but it is not the main purpose of worship. Worship is first and primarily for Him!
So, when doing evangelism and missions, seeking specifically to reach the lost and "unchurched"of course, it is appropriate to use methods and music that are oriented for a particular age or cultural group. But, when doing worship, we need to consider that the church worshipping as the body must be about maturing unity, discipleship, and community using varied approaches and styles. We then must introduce new believers into the body of Christ with all of its various representatives and parts. (I Cor. 12:12) Maturing believers must be able to worship together. To claim otherwise is a denial of Christ's accomplishment in reconciliation and redemption. Strong families and fellowships of believers are those who are mature enough to experience variety and live with one another's differences in preferences or tastes. To ignore this is to ignore a clear teaching of the New Testament.
True belonging is found in a mixed group. The faith family is a mixed group striving for true community. It is where in Christ we learn to relate to our contemporaries, but also to our elders and minors. In our contemporary culture we are losing a vital sense of community, and the most desperate need of many people is for a place to belong. The church, as a whole unified body, is and has the answer. Jesus presents the reality of a loving community as one of the key aspects of Christian discipleship - another reason that multigenerational or intergenerational worship is important. mjm