Last blog we talked about the fact that there are some non-negotiables in worship as we had discussed unacceptable worship.
First non-negotiable is - PUTTING HIM FIRST - "You shall have no other gods before me." (Ex. 20:3) Now some are saying that's ridiculous because that is a given. Is it? We live in a day and in a culture where we come and put on our worship face and sing and do all the right things while putting many other things before Him. God here and in Micah makes it clear that this is unacceptable worship. The word "jealous" is used five times in the Old Testament referring only to God, which indicates the value He places on His relationship with His children. In chapter 34:6-7, God makes it clear that He . . . "does not leave the guilty unpunished." Any idol, relationship, materialism, a way of life that we must have becomes idolatry no matter how many times we . . . go to worship.
The second non-negotiable is - OUR PERCEPTION OF THE ONE WE WORSHIP - In Ex. 32:1-8, we use the golden calf as an example of the worship of a false God. We can not worship "the god" we have conjured up in our own minds. We must have a strong commitment to truth in every aspect or part of our worship. This is especially true in our own representation of who God is. We can not worship God as we perceive Him instead of how He reveals Himself. To do so is a distortion of the truth.
The third non-negotiable is - PRIDE - If in our worship we properly focus on God, Himself honoring and praising Him, then we are valuing Him. But sometimes, we keep getting in the way of that. Pride demands a piece of the action. We've seen this not only with worshippers, but worship leaders, soloists both instrumental and vocal and yes, even preachers. Even the insistence of worshipping "my way" over your way is a form of pride. May we never get in the way of His honor or His glory. It belongs to Him. We must be His instruments of His glory! May we not be guilty of seeking glory that belongs to Him and may we not be a part of unacceptable worship. mjm