We have over 200 folks any given week who focus on praying for our "gathered" worship as a church. Why is that important? Because our worship is focused on both adoration and relationship. This is right and Biblical. But, our desire and passion to know God needs to go even higher - that of praying and exercising His will on earth. What our Lord is doing and saying in heaven needs to be manifested on earth. The call to worship drawing us to intimacy with Him is actually a call for us to go to war.
Lucifer, himself, actually led the hosts of heaven at one time in the worship of Creator God. But, at some point, he decided that rather than being a worshipper, he wanted to be worshipped. This was the real beginning of so-called "worship wars". In fact, this is the real worship war. Lucifer has masterfully gotten us to focus on our conceived "worship wars" to the ignoring of the real worship war. That war continues today in the church, on earth, and in heaven. As we worship, we join the hosts of heaven in adoration ascending to His throne, and it is through that very process that we are able to be effective in warfare.
Worshipping Warriors, stand up! It is now time for all generations to become one, standing together in bold, passionate worship of the Father. Let us be a part of waging the battle of the ages and in His power releasing the harvest to His glory! mjm