We will be singing an anthem on Sunday, Sometimes I Hear God's Music, text by the late J. Paul Williams. It is a reminder that music was God's idea. We see music in all of creation. We see music in life and worship. In Psalm 40:1-3, we see that music is the new song of redemption, a hymn of praise to God. We see that new song as the perpetual song of heaven where our purpose and occupation will be strictly the praise and worship of our Lord. Rev. 5:9 - "And they sang a new song saying, 'Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people, and nation, ...'"
This new song gives the meaning of continuous, unceasing music. The theme of this song is redemption, just as in Psalm 40. There would have never been a need for this song if man had not fallen and the Redeemer had not redeemed him. Note also, the song says we were redeemed or ransomed by His blood. We were purchased with His blood. And that purchase was made for men and women, boys and girls, from everywhere. He has no favorites. He bought people from every "tribe, tongue, people and nation." No one is excluded from the blessing of redemption. It is extended to every part of the earth transcending all cultures, all racial and national boundaries and borders. It reaches every strata of society to the outermost parts of the earth. He purchased all that they might worship Him.
The Dead Sea Scrolls indicate that the earthly worshippers of the first century envisioned themselves participating with the angels in heavenly worship when they read and/or sang this song. They considered themselves vertical, joining the crowd of witnesses, the four living creatures, the twenty-four elders, the one hundred and forty-four thousand and all the overcomers standing on the crystal sea with the harps of God.
We see again, worship is all about Him, little about us. He is the initiator, the giver of redemption and we are the recipients. Therefore every tongue, tribe, people and nation will stand before Him and sing in worship to Him. All races, peoples, nations, generations, cultures, and different denominations will stand before Him and sing the new song! Yes, sometimes I hear God's music. How about you? mjm