Throw the question of the best worship leader you know out and see how many different answers you get. But, I contend the best worship leader is the High Priest of Heaven, the Heavenly Liturgist, the Worship Leader of God, . . . Jesus!
In a way when you look at the gospels and everything He did or was saying, it was all worship leading. He was leading people into encounters with His Father. He inspired praise and worship and was the very presence of God ministering constantly to His Father's heart and blessing people. So, in reality, Jesus was the greatest worship leader ever.
An example is the Triumphal Entry during the last week of His life. He entered the gates with praise! By entering with triumph and celebration, He was teaching us something about worship.
He is the King of Kings - entering His kingdom with praise, honor, and celebration. The same way He came into that city is the way He wants to come into our cities. He wants to come the same way into our neighborhoods, our homes, our churches, our nation and of course, our hearts.
Jesus doesn't sneak into a city, church, or a heart. He doesn't come into the midst of a dirge of non-participation and unengagement; and He will not be enthroned upon the half-hearted lip service of the people. He is the King of all creation. He comes as Majesty and Lord, or He won't come at all.
We need to draw near unto Him. Our families and churches are literally withering away from a lack of His manifest presence and power. The question is . . . are we willing to do things God's way and therefore see His promises?
May the rocks never have to praise because we have failed to do it! mjm