Sunday, November 4, 2012

Missions Music Observation

I want to make some personal observations about music and missions over the years.  In our hymnals for about the last 100 years there was very little in the way of hymns that praised God directly or called us to be on mission with God.  The majority of the hymns were about God and our redemption.  
Initially the "modern worship movement" brought us a lot of praise songs that spoke or were addressed directly to God.  So more of those started showing up in our newer hymnals as well as our praise and worship songs and choruses.  But, we still were lacking the balance of being challenged by song to be on mission with God, emphasizing missions around the world.  
Then, modern worship leaders and worship bands began to really emphasize being a part of God's mission to a world in great need.  Knowing God's heart for His mission became a priority and challenge in many of the new songs.  And, in our newest hymnals we are seeing more "mission songs and hymns".   So there has been a movement to balance this.  
You can not read Scripture and not know God's heart for the world.  His mission is to redeem man back to Himself.  There is an emphasis throughout scripture on all peoples, all nations, all the world.  When I was an active international missionary, I used to tell folks that God is on mission and He will accomplish His mission.  The only question for us is . . . "Will we be a part of what our God is doing around the world today?"  We can... by challenging one another through these mission songs, by worshiping in a way that we sense and know God's heart for the world, and by praying, giving and going.  May we worship in such a way that we come to know His heart and His mission. mjm