Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Music - Evangelism - Missions

As we approach our world missions offering this coming Sunday, I want to say a word about Evangelism and Missions and a little about music in that process.  
We as Baptists have sometimes thought of our goal of evangelism as decisions.  But, it is much more than just decisions.  Our goal must be disciples, not just decisions.  The complete work of evangelism and missions includes seeking, finding, folding, and feeding.
Some of the Evangelism/Missions principles are derived from Mark 4 and I Corinthians 3:5-10.  In these passages we see soil preparation, planting, watering, and increase (harvest).  That which we will be giving to world missions will be involved in all of these parts of mission and evangelism.  Also, I want to point out that many of our missionaries who are not necessarily appointed as music missionaries as I was, still use music in missions.
"Soil preparation" - This is the process of earning a hearing and creating an environment for the sowing of the seed of the gospel.  Music is a wonderful tool in breaking down cultural barriers and preparing hearts for the gospel.
"Planting" - This is the "sowing of the seed" of Christ's love -  communicating the love of Christ and our own compassion in Christ.
"Watering" - This is the nurturing in love the seed which has been planted.  God, many times, uses music to continue to communicate and soften hearts for the influence of the gospel.
"Increase" - This is the act of actually securing a decision to become a disciple of Jesus when the harvest is ripe and ready.  The Lord uses music many times to help encourage (by His Spirit) a person to that final point of decision to follow Jesus.
So, these different parts of the process of missions are not only impacted by our giving, but are also used by many of our missionaries with the tool of music.  By the way, the same principles work here at home.  As well it should, because our mission begins here at home and we can be involved all the way around the world through our going, giving, and praying.  In any culture, any given musical language, any mission for Christ, the ultimate goal is still the same - the glory of God!  mjm