Sunday, January 6, 2013

Scripture and Worship

We've discussed many times the importance of staying in God's Word and its importance to worship.  However, worship is not only inspired by the Word, but the Word is also instructive in how we worship.  There have been literally hundreds of books written in the last few years giving techniques and insights to worship.  But, unfortunately many times we neglect the most important book.  And even then, many times we look only at the New Testament, neglecting the Old.  

There is rich wisdom to give us foundation for worship and a sharpening of our worship practice in the Old Testament.  There is much to make a difference in our worship and life of faith today.  The Old Testament is indispensable in Christian worship practice.  It offers us a hymn book and prayer book in the Psalms.  There is a variety of expression seen in the history of Israel's life before and with God.  There is the establishing of themes and word pictures that help us understand meaning in the New Testament and nuances of worship.  When one reads the Old Testament with the practice of worship in mind, one sees more of God's perspective of worship by His Spirit. 

The Old Testament does much to reflect and shape our view of both God and the world.  It gives foundation, hones and humbles the very work of the church in every phase of ministry.  We are shown how both Christian corporate and personal worship connect at the very center of the Christian life - life at work and play, at home, school, and in the marketplace.  We see it in both the context of joy and sorrow.  Therefore, our corporate and personal- private worship propels us out to live in obedience and the joy of the Lord!  May the living Word continue to instruct and inspire our worship and our lives.  mjm