Sunday, January 13, 2013

Symphony vs. Solo

I have been reading through the book of Job again the past few days.   In looking at the way we worship in light of the book of Job, I have noticed again an obvious truth - there is a false assumption among a lot of believers that worship is about us.  FALSE.  It doesn't take long in the book of Job to see that the world doesn't revolve around us.  It is because of this false assumption that we are seeing in our "Christian culture" and our day that many think worship is about entertainment, some sort of spiritual therapy, a way of "self" expression, earning brownie points, etc.  

The book of Job provides us a reality check about the character of true worship.  Job learns in his encounter with God, the very God who speaks from the center of the whirlwind, that Job is not the center of the universe.  Job learns quickly his limitations in worshipping the one who made heaven and earth.  The last part of Job suggests that all of God's creatures have a place in the symphonic choir.  Up to this point Job may have seen himself as a soloist singing the praises of God, only to find out he is singing with a symphony.  Terence Fretheim states, "God is enthroned not simply on the praises of Israel, but on the praises of all God's creatures and creation."  We see this same emphasis in Gen. 1, Ps. 104 and 148.  

We can no more make worship about us than we can make the basis of our salvation about us.  We are not a solo in worship, but part of the glorious symphony of praise and glory centered in Him!  mjm