As a follow through from the last blog - we don't have to beg for God's presence, but we do need to cherish God's presence both in our private worship time and our corporate gatherings of the body. It can become quite confusing when people talk about God's presence. But, there are some things in scripture we can count on or as they say, "hang our hats on".
In Psalm 105: 4 we are commanded to "seek His presence continually". Some people are side-tracked into emotionalism or superstition rather than coming to a Biblical understanding of God's presence. But, we must not let wrong responses keep us from the reality that our God says He dwells in the midst of His people. We should always be in the mind-set of enjoying, pursuing, anticipating and cherishing God's presence among us. In Psalm 139:7-8, David asks, "Where shall I go from Your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from Your presence? If I ascend to heaven You are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, You are there!" That just about covers it all.
However, while we have the assurance that God is present everywhere, He sometimes chooses to localize His presence just as He did in the burning bush in Exodus 3. Because of our oneness with Christ, the church is God's "dwelling place" or the new "temple", the place where God lives. So, it only stands to reason that where God chooses to reveal His presence would be when His people gather and meet in His name. His presence is promised to be with us. Have you ever been in a crowded room and discovered later that someone was present without your knowledge? I am afraid that describes some people's worship. They are in a crowded room and never even "know" that He is there.
When you approach worship, do you approach with the attitude of "God is definitely here"? Do you approach with expectations of His presence being revealed in and through the body? Do you pray and pursue His active presence in your worship? Let us always approach worship knowing and cherishing His presence among us as worshippers. "He is here. Hallelujah!" mjm