Saturday, June 29, 2013

Living Our Worship for God's Glory!

"For those He foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, . . ."(Rom. 8:29)  It is no secret that even though we will never be perfect in this life, God's purposed intention is to make us like Jesus. In 2 Cor. 3:18 we are told that  as we behold His glory, the Spirit of God is at work transforming us into the image of God's Son.  Worshipping transforms us into those who live for God's glory.

Worshipping Him makes us humble.  When we truly encounter God it is a humbling experience.  We see that response through scripture in the lives of those who behold God's majesty.  Worshipping God does not leave us thinking more highly of ourselves.  To worship at the foot of the cross is a humbling experience.  John Piper has said, "People never leave the Grand Canyon more in awe of themselves."  We are worshippers because Jesus died and rose to make us worshippers, not because we earned the right to be one. 

Worshipping Him makes us secure.  Security is found in the unchanging love of the Father.  If we are faithful to keep the crucified, risen Savior at the center of our worship the result is that we feel safe in Him.  Romans 8:39 reminds us that "nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Worshipping God makes us grateful.  Nothing opens our eyes to God's amazing grace more effectively than authentic worship.  When we look on the cross and realize that we should be the one hanging there, we have a response of overflowing gratefulness to Him.

Worshipping God makes us Holy.  Holiness is sometimes mocked in our culture and our day.  But, those who bear His name and dwell in His presence are called to be holy even as He is holy.  Confession both privately and corporately increases our awareness of God's Holiness and contributes to our holiness in Him.

Worshipping God makes us compassionate.  When we gaze upon His glory, our caring and affection for those He created should increase.  I John 4:20 tells us that we can not love God and hate our brother.  And, in John 15:12, Jesus is clear that we are to love one another the same way He loves us.  

Worshipping God makes us mission-minded.  Our passion to help people see why God deserves to be worshipped makes us want to share the joy of knowing Him through our words and our lives.  And, in seeing God's glory, we come to know His heart for all peoples, nations, and people groups.  

True, authentic, honest worship transforms us.  May we behold His glory and be changed to be more like Him!  mjm