Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Authentic Worship Leaders

Notice it is plural.  There are several worship leaders in any given worship experience.  There is the Pastor/Minister, the Music Worship Leader, sometimes an Associate Worship Leader, Band, Orchestra, Worship leading Choir, Worship Team, etc., etc.  But for whoever is in a leading position in corporate worship, authenticity is of the utmost importance.  Authentic worship leaders do not lead worship for the praise of men; they lead because they seek the favor and presence of God Almighty.  

We live in a world where, unfortunately, worship leaders are judged by their looks, style of leading, use guitar or keyboard, cool hair, or skinny jeans.  Worship leaders should embrace who they are in Christ and seek to lead people to His throne to experience Him in all His fullness.  Are you interested in a certain kind of worship leader or group of leaders as opposed to those who can lead people into the very presence of God?  Unfortunately we are in a day where we want to follow a certain kind of leader - admiring the way they dress, sound, or look rather than focusing on Jesus.

Leaders of worship, whether we are individual leaders, band, orchestra or worship leading choir,  need to be servants both behind the scenes and out front.  Leaders need to be humble about their own struggles and yet confident in their abilities, trusting God for the outcome, and being comfortable with the chinks in their armor.  In order to lead we must remember:  we follow a humble King!  mjm