Saturday, August 3, 2013

Reaching Both Directions

The history  of Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual songs is unbelievably vast and varied.  From generation to generation, the great hymns and songs of the faith have been kept alive in the great traditions of congregational song.  The great doctrine and theology set to music has been profound in the church over the centuries.  We certainly must not dismiss such a great heritage of the way people have responded to God's love and redemption over the ages.  It has been said that true worship flows from remembering the Gospel. 

In my own experience I began using both the old Broadman Hymnal from the '40s and the 1956 Baptist Hymnal.  During my youth years, we began to sing songs from musicals such as Good News and Tell It Like It is.  The Baptist Hymnal in the '70s began using both newer songs and hymns and songs of generations back.  Then in 1990 a new Baptist Hymnal came which not only had newer songs along with the old, but also worship choruses from the praise and worship tradition.  As we moved into the new millennium, with the new 2008 Baptist Hymnal and many others, we began to see the proliferation of more new hymnals that included hymns from generations past with newer worship songs that were not only printed but continued to expand via the digital process.  

As a worship leader planning worship for a multigenerational church, we are blessed with humongous and vast resources of both old and new.  We continue to reach both directions - being blessed by the great hymns of the faith that have carried generations of folks in their walk with the Lord, and being blessed by new expressions of faith and worship that help us enlarge our expression and experience in Him.  Some of the younger generations, at this time even, are looking back not hundreds of years but even to the ancient to enhance and enlarge their expression of worship to the everlasting God.  

As we reach both directions may we say, "You have exalted Your Name and Your Promise above everything else,"  (Ps. 138:2b) and seek to unify the church in worship as we exalt the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word to all.  mjm