Continuing to think on the theme for our Worship and our Worship-Leading Choir this year, we look at Isaiah 12:4-5: "In that wonderful day you will sing: Thank the Lord! Praise His Name! Tell the nations what He has done. Let them know how mighty He is! Sing to the Lord, for He has done wonderful things; Make known His praise around the world."
We've discussed before about how worship is missional. Our mission is to be used of God to lead others to be worshippers. I'm hoping we will see with this theme a renewed emphasis on the fact that worship should not just happen inside the walls of our church, but outside, beginning in our own personal sphere of influence, our neighborhood, our city, our state, our nation, and yes around the world. We join believers all around the world in worship of our High King! This was brought home by a report not long ago that Chris Tomlin's worship songs are sung by 20 million people almost every Sunday around the globe.
As we are personally involved in evangelism and missions, we take the song of worship that is in our hearts and on our lips making His praise known to all. As the scripture says, " . . . many will see and put their trust in the Lord."
Over all of my years, I have been blessed to be on both sides of this both personally and in ministry. I have seen it at work here at home and around the world as we served in Zimbabwe years ago as a Music Missionary. My life verse that I have asked to be on my tombstone is Psalm 119:54 - "Your decrees have been the theme of my songs wherever I have lived."
May we answer the call together to make His praise known!!! mjm