The writer of Ecclesiastes really puts it very straight as to what is required. In chapter 12, the writer talks about the importance of wisdom and in living well. Then in verses 12-13, he suggests that the constant publishing of books and constant study wears us out to the point of being good for nothing else. Then he says, "Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man."
This made me think of some people who go to endless Bible studies and yet, there never seems to be a change or impact on the way they live their lives. We are all guilty of this. But it also got me to thinking about the myriad of books that have been written on worship, going in to great detail of God's intentions and instruction about worship. Many of us have studied them until blue in the face, and yet many of us still want worship the way we want it, or we make it far more complicated than it is.
Whether it be our daily walk of faith, which in itself is worship, or our worship events or gatherings, it is rather simple - "Fear God and obey His commandments." Wow, that really sums a lot up for our worship when we are gathered together, as well as working out our worship in our daily walk with Him. mjm