Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Song, Prayer and Obedience

There are principles found in 2 Chronicles 5 and 7 that get me really over the top excited about potential worship.  In chapter 5, starting with verse 12, we find that God has established that the trumpeters (instrumentalists) and singers are to be one (unison) in their praise and thanksgiving to the Lord.  And gloriously, the result was the house of the Lord filled with a cloud of glory to the point the priests were unable to stand and minister.  God's glory filled the house.  Now, what had to take place? First the instrumentalists and singers were called.  Second they became one.  I believe that becoming one has to do with preparation, both musically and spiritually, to the point of their being one in spirit and one in the Spirit.  And we see the result -  Hallelujah!

The second principle is found in chapter 7 beginning with verse 1.  Here we find that Solomon finishes his prayer, then the offerings and sacrifices are made to the Lord.  And the same result as above - the glory of the Lord filled the temple to the point the priests could not enter.  And the people bowed down, worshipped and gave thanks to the Lord!  WOW!  Can we get our hearts around these principles?  If God is to show Himself and His glory, God's people have got to play and sing His song, pray, and be willing to be a "living sacrifice" unto Him by obeying all He has commanded.  

A word to our worship choir - Choir, this is why we work so hard to offer our very best to the Lord through thorough preparation musically.  This is why we emphasize prayer for one another, for our church, and for the worship of our church.  And this is why we emphasize the importance of every worship choir member's "letting the word of Christ dwell richly" -  becoming obedient to Him.  It is only as we commit faithfully to do these things that we can have any hope of seeing God's glory in our worship together.  Song - Prayer - Obedience results in His glory!  Hallelujah! mjm