Saturday, November 30, 2013

Ambassadors of Worship

I remember the Royal Ambassador's motto when I was a boy: "We are ambassadors for Christ".  And as a young elementary school kid I would lead the other boys in the Royal Ambassador Hymn - The King's Business. I remember singing those words . . . "I am a stranger here within a foreign land . . . Ambassador to be . . . I'm here on business for my King!  This is the message that I bring . . . be ye reconciled to God."  

If we are aligned with our Lord, we are aligned in our relationship to the world.  God shows us that there is a wall of separation from the world.  "Be not conformed to this world . .. " (Rom. 12:2).  "Be ye not unequally yoked with unbelievers . . . be ye separate " (2 Cor. 6:14-15, 17).  In a real sense we are taken out of the world so that we can be put back into it.  In John 20:21 Jesus says, "Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I You."  Christ came into the world as the Father's Ambassador.  Now the Christian goes forth into the world as an Ambassador of the Kingdom to shed the light of Christ, to be the light of the world, and to call people out of darkness to worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!  

The Holy Spirit indwells us in Christ and takes the love of the crucified, risen, ascended Christ,  shedding it abroad in our hearts . . . giving us a Spirit-filled love for the Father just as the Son loves Him, love for fellow members of the body of Christ as the Head loves them, and love for the unsaved world as the Savior loves them. We are ambassadors of the Kingdom while here in a foreign land.  Praying, going, and giving because of the love of Christ and His call to us to bring others to worship Him, joining us in shedding light to a dark, lost and dying world. God's business is to reconcile the world back to Himself.  We have a choice as to whether we will join the endeavor He calls us to.  mjm