If we love the Lord with all that we are we will bear a burden of love for people in need with a passionate desire to proclaim His glory to all the world. Proclaiming God's glory is one of the fruits of true worship.
A true test is if believers spend more time praying for their own prosperity and breakthroughs in their lives than they do praying for the advancement of the gospel to all peoples. Many believers have come to believe that Christianity is all about what God can do for them and how He can bless them. Rather, we as true worshippers would believe that Christianity is about our getting involved with Him and His kingdom purposes all around the earth.
Are we more concerned as churches as to how much we invest in our own churches or in how we invest in God's great kingdom mission? If our churches are full of worshippers, we will become white hot about proclaiming God's glory through our lives and churches.
May we pray that God will ignite a fire in His people raising up an army of worshippers and followers of Jesus who are totally His (surrendered) and committed to proclaiming His Glory to the ends of the earth. It begins with prayer. So basic. So overlooked. Let us pray that as we worship and love God with all that we are, He will give us a vision of His heart for a world that really is hungry to see His glory! Lord, set my soul afire! mjm