Yes, He came... but He still comes today - these days after Christmas. Christmas is not just a "once upon a time"; it continues in the here and now and in our future days. The incarnation, "God with us" doesn't stop on Christmas Day. It continues and abides with us day in and day out. From day to day, joy to joy, sorrow to sorrow, heartbreak to heartbreak, praise to praise; God is with us by the Son and through the Holy Spirit.
Christmas doesn't happen once a year. It happens every day that we allow Him to abide in us and accomplish His purposes through us; as we yield to Him, making it possible for "rivers of living water" to flow from us in ministry to others. Jesus said, "Without me you can do nothing." Only as we yield to the "God with us," yea the "God in us," do we see Christmas spill out on those who are around us every day.
We talk a lot about not missing the meaning of Christmas - Emmanuel, God with us. We talk about not making things and the world's priorities more important than He is. We talk a lot about giving Him worship due the King who came in a manger. We talk about giving to others around us who are in need because of injustice, hate, and greed; giving to those in need of love. Should those things be any different any day of the year? Should our worship of the Worthy One be any less? Should our giving and loving be any less? Me thinks not.
I've been studying the Epistles of John the last few days. True, genuine, authentic fellowship with God always includes fellowship with God's people and that true love spills out on to others. Saint Augustine of Hippo says, "What does love look like? It has hands to help others. It has feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has ears to hear the sighs and sorrow of men. That is what love looks like."
Let us bow and worship Him and in doing that become givers and lovers of those who need Emmanuel - God with us - in their lives every day. Let's make every day Christmas for the Lord in our worship and for others in our living and loving! mjm