Looking back I realize that had we not responded to God's call to Zimbabwe, Africa some 30 years ago, it would have been a missed opportunity. And we could not have responded unless we were sent. God's timing and opportunities are always perfect in His sovereign timing.
I was there at the only time in history when there were students at our Seminary from six different African countries. I had the opportunity to teach and share with students from all six countries and now most of my former students are serving as worship leaders and pastors and convention leadership in all six countries. God's timing was perfect.
At the same time I was able to establish a liaison with a music school, teaching general music courses. I taught church music courses and other seminary courses at the seminary and general music courses at the school of music. I was able to strategically bus my seminary students into those classes in that music school where at that particular moment in time music teachers from all over Zimbabwe were coming for training. The students and I were able to openly witness to those teachers during that time from all over the country.
During those years I had more than 250 students throughout the country to whom I was able to teach Biblical foundations of worship, edification, and evangelism in regional church music schools. I also helped enable my African Christian brothers in starting new churches and fellowships, and found myself preaching in churches and fellowships on a regular basis.
I am humbly aware that none of this could have happened without the faithful giving of churches to the Cooperative Program and the Lottie Moon Mission offering. I had the time in those years to stand and teach sometimes nine hours a day because you and others gave faithfully.
When I came back to Texas under God's clear direction I was a little puzzled. My daughters struggled big time when we returned. Zimbabwe was home to them. I even asked, "Lord, why bring us back?" One day after being back in the states I read some stats that showed that Zimbabwe at that point was more Christian than the state of Texas. I was blown away. Just makes me realize that missions starts here at home and circles the globe.
But there are still 3027 known people groups who have never heard the name of Jesus. Those unreached people groups are not here at home. They are across the world. We must not miss this opportunity to pray, go, and give as never before so that there will not be missed opportunities.
$599,999.99 to the world this Sunday from the First Family! mjm