Sunday, September 26, 2010

Come Follow Me - A Call to Worship

In Matt. 4 we find Jesus saying to Peter and Andrew, "Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."  We sometimes tend to put the emphasis on the last part.  But we need to see that Jesus' call to follow is really a call to worship.  The first requirement of walking with Jesus is to "come".  He doesn't say do this or do that, but simply "Come to me".  We must first come if we want to experience the power of God in our lives.
When Jesus sets out to call his disciples He says in the most literal translation, "Come follow to me."  Jesus is giving not just an invitation to follow Him, but to get to know Him.  "If you follow me, I will lead you to myself",  follow me to me.  Gary Wright says, "The journey and the destination are both the same - Jesus!"  As Col. 3:4 says, "Christ . . . is our life."  This is our invitation to be true God-worshippers.  The invitation is to Follow Me to Me and the gift is Me - Jesus.   The pursuit of Jesus is true worship.  Wherever the focus of our hearts and affections are directed, that is what we are worshipping, plain and simple.  Jesus' invitation for us to Follow Me to Me  is an invitation for us to turn all of our affection, attention, and effort toward Him.  He's leading us to Himself.  Praise be to God, it's all of Him in all of me.  May it be so.  More on the second part of this next time.

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